One Year, 25 Things

Ann Dancing

Today I am another year older, and another year closer to the deadline of accomplishing 30 major goals by the time I turn 30. Even though I have only completed 5 of my 30 By 30 goals in the last year, I’m definitely proud of them all. Especially running a 5K. Not only did I run just one 5K last summer, I did 3!

Ann Dancing

But, I still have 25 things to cross off the list. Meaning, I need to cross off more than 2 things each month for the next 12 months. That makes me a bit nervous!

Granted, many of the things will be accomplished by the end of the summer, and others are pretty lofty goals that require a lot of planning and monetary provisioning. Some of them (learning more about wine, reading more often, living healthier, paying down debt, etc.) are really ongoing things that will continue long after April 17, 2015.

But, with a year gone since I started this venture and very few items officially crossed off the list, it really makes me wonder if I can finish everything that I set out to do.

Here are some dates that are set for accomplishing a few more things:

  • Cater a party for 30+: June 14, 2014
  • Go to Italy: Probably will happen after I am 30; summer of 2016
  • Family Tree: Just started. Aiming to be done by Christmas
  • Successfully grow a garden plant: tomatoes and red peppers will be planted mid-May. We’ll see in a few months how “successful” this attempt is.
  • Vote: registered. Come November, I will vote. On track!
  • Drink a martini in a fancy dress at a fancy place: August 15, 2014!
  • Move: hoping to do so next Spring or Summer. Might be after I officially turn 30, but we’re at least making progress!

If I could commit to taking the time for things like mastering Ashtanga, I would be in much better shape! I have a calendar reminder set to practice Ashtanga every Monday. Since setting that reminder, I haven’t done it once! Many of these just stem from not making time to “sharpen the saw”.

So, it is time to use some of the skills I have learned within the last year, and really throughout my life. I know I can do anything I set my mind to, it is just a matter of making time to do them. Dedication often precedes motivation.

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